Церковная деятельность Урбана VIII.

Data protection intro

Canyon Bicycles GmbH (hereinafter called CANYON) is pleased that you are visiting our website. Data protection and data safety while using our website are very important for us. Therefore, we would like to inform you at this point about which of your personal details we record at the time of your visit to our website and for what purposes these data are used.

Since changes in laws or changes in our internal company procedures may make amendments to this data protection statement necessary, we ask you to read through this data protection statement on a regular basis. The data protection statement can be called up on the data protection navigation area on our website, and it can be stored and printed out at any time.

§ 1 Responsible party and scope of validity.

The responsible party as defined in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter GDPR) and other national data protection laws of the member states as well as other legal data protection specifications is:

This data protection statement is valid for the Internet offer of Canyon Bicycles GmbH, which can be found at the domain www..career..

§ 2 Data protection officer

The external data protection officer of the responsible party is:

Attorney Dr. Karsten Kinast, LL.M.

Hohenzollernring 54
D-50672 Köln
Tel.: +49 (0)221 – 222 183 – 0
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: KINAST Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

§ 3 Data processing principles

All items of information that refer to an identified or identifiable natural person constitute personal details. For example, this includes information such as your name, your age, your address, your telephone number, your date of birth, your e-mail address, your IP address or the user behaviour. Information, with which we can make no reference (or only at disproportionately great expense) to your person, e.g. by anonymising the information, does not constitute personal data. The processing of personal data (for example, collecting, questioning, using, storing, or transmitting) always requires a legal basis or your consent. Processed personal data are erased as soon as the purpose of the processing has been achieved and legally stipulated retention obligations are no longer in effect. If we process your personal data for preparing specific offers, we will subsequently inform you about the specific procedures, the scope, and the purpose of the data processing, the legal basis for the processing and the respective storage duration.

§ 4 Individual processing procedures

1. Preparing and using the website

Whenever you call up and use our website, we collect the personal data automatically. Your browser then transmits this to our server. This information is temporarily stored in a so-called log file. When you use our website, we collect the following data, which are technically necessary for us in order to display our website to you and to assure stability and reliability.

IP address of the requesting computer,
- Date and time of the access,
- Name and URL of the requested file,
- Website, from which the access takes place (referrer URL),
- Browser used, terminal used, and, if appropriate, the operating system as well as the name of your access provider

B. Legal basis
Article 6, paragraph 1, (f) GDPR serves as the legal basis for the specified type of data processing. The processing of specified data is necessary for preparing a website and thus serves for supporting a justified interest of our company.

C. Storage duration
As soon as the specified data are no longer necessary for displaying the website, they are deleted. The recording of the data for preparing the website and the storage of the data in logfiles is absolutely required for the operation of the website. Consequently, there is no possibility of objection on the part of the user. Further storage can take place in individual cases, if this is legally stipulated.

2. Registration/User account

A. Type and scope of the data processing
On our website, we offer you the possibility of registeringThis involves you in providing us with your personal details.
We use the processed data to create a customised user account for you where you can create certain content and services including a wish list, order overview, list of preferred delivery addresses, message preferences etc. in partial self-administration. This way, you can use the content on our website.
We process your e-mail so that we can send you new login details in the event you forget them or the information required to create your account.
When you set your preferences in message settings and areas of interest, you consent to the e-mail address provided being used to send messages relevant to the information you provided..
When you add products to your wish list, you consent that we send you e-mail reminders of the products saved on your wish list or information about them.
When you enable the reminder function for unavailable items, you consent that we send you e-mail reminders as soon as they become available again in our shop.
After initial registration, you must log in to your user account for future orders so that we can allocate your order to an existing account. You can of course place all your orders as guest orders, although you will not benefit from a range of services only available with user accounts.
The following overview shows the personal details we process during registration:

- e-mail address
- Date of birth (optional)
- Country and language
- IP address
- Gender

The following overview shows you the type of details we process from your information in a user account or via orders placed from a user account.

- Different delivery addresses, if applicable
- Order overview
- Message settings
- Wish list
- Height and leg length

B. Legal basis
Processing the personal data provided (cf. section 4 2. a.) is based on Art. 6 paragraph 1 (b) GDPR.

C. Storage duration
As soon as the registration on our website is cancelled or modified, the data processed during the registration procedure are deleted. Further storage can take place in individual cases, if this is legally stipulated.

D. Cancelling registration
Users can cancel registration at any time. You can change your saved personal data at any time..
In the event the processed data are still required for contractual purposes or pre-contractual purposes, data can only be deleted early provided this is not prevented by any contractual or legal obligations.

3. Goods purchase

A. Type and scope of the data processing
On our website, we offer users the possibility of purchasing goods with the specification of personal data, The data required for this are input into an input mask and transmitted to us and stored. Transfer of the data to third parties does not take place. The following data are collected within the framework of the ordering procedure:

Form of address
- Name
- Address
- Telephone number
- e-mail address
- Payment information
- Type of shipping
- IP address

Your data are transferred to the shipping company in charge of the delivery, in so far as this is necessary for delivery of the goods. For transacting payments, we transfer your payment data to the financial institution entrusted with the payment. That company may only use your data for contract settlement and not for other purposes.
When you make a purchase on our website and therefore store your e-mail address, this address can be used by us to send you information on similar products or services. We are keen to maintain customer relations and we would like to send you information that we believe may be of interest to you.
If you need to interrupt the ordering process or cannot complete the purchase, we will send an e-mail to remind you of the items placed in your basket so that you can complete the process at a later date without having to collect all the items again. To do this, we use cookies. More information on using cookies can be found in section 7 (‘Using cookies’).

B. Legal basis
When processing your personal data (cf. section 4 3. a.) that are required for fulfilling a purchase agreement concluded with us, Art. 6, paragraph 1, (b) GDPR serves as the legal basis. This also applies for processing procedures that are required for carrying out pre-contractual measures.
The legal basis for sending information on similar goods or services as a result of the purchase of goods is section 7 paragraph 3 UWG . You can choose to stop receiving messages at any time by using the unsubscribe link at the end of the newsletter.

C. Storage duration

A. Type and scope of the data processing
On our website, there is the possibility of subscribing to a free newsletter. In order to be able to send you the newsletter regularly, we need the following information from you:

- e-mail address

The following overview shows which additional processed information you can decide to share with us when registering for the newsletter. This information helps us optimise our newsletter and to share specific information with our newsletter subscribers.

Form of address
- Name
- Date of birth
- Bicycle category of interest
- News category of interest

No transfer of your data to third parties takes place in connection with the sending of the newsletter.
We use the so-called double opt-in method for sending the newsletter, that is, we will send you the newsletter only if you confirm your request beforehand via a confirmation e-mail sent to you for this purpose per link contained therein. Thus, we want to make sure that only you can subscribe to the newsletter yourself as holder of the indicated e-mail address. Your confirmation concerning this must take place soon after receiving the confirmation e-mail, since otherwise your newsletter subscription is automatically erased from our database.

B. Legal basis
The processing of your e-mail address, form of address, your date of birth, and the bicycle and news category of interest for you for sending the newsletter is based on Article 6, paragraph 1, (a) GDPR on the consent statement issued by you on the basis of a double opt-in.

C. Storage duration
Your e-mail address is stored as long as you have subscribed to the newsletter. After cancellation of sending the newsletter, your e-mail address is erased. Further storage can take place in individual cases, if this is legally stipulated.

5. Contact form, including for Crash-Replacement guarantee, return and repair enquiries, chat and concerning our career section

A. Type and scope of the data processing
On our website we invite you to get in contact with us via a prepared form and Chat module. Within the framework of the procedure of sending your inquiries via the contact or Pre-Chat form, reference is made to this data protection statement for obtaining your consent. If you make use of the contact form or Chat module, the following personal data from you are processed via the contact form.

Form of address
- Name
- e-mail address
- Telephone number
- the country of residence
- your customer number (for returns, repairs or CRP enquiries)
- your order number (for returns, repairs or CRP enquiries)
- model of your bike (for returns, repairs or CRP enquiries)
- your address (for returns or CRP enquiries)
- Photos and details to describe the problem (for repairs or CRP enquiries)

The specification of your e-mail address and the country of residence is so that your enquiry can be associated with you and that you can be answered. The above details are used to help us process your enquiry and relevant services. If the contact form is used, your personal data will not be transferred to third parties.

B. Legal basis
The previously (cf. section 4 5. a.) described data processing for the purpose of making contact takes place according to Article 6, paragraph 1, (b), (f) GDPR.

C. Storage duration
As soon as the enquiry made by you has been dealt with, and the matter concerned is finally clarified, your personal data processed via the contact form will be erased. Further storage can take place in individual cases, if this is legally stipulated.

6. Canyon Careers Section

A. Type and scope of the data processing
On our website we offer you the opportunity to apply online for our job vacancies and to become part of the Canyon family. If you apply online, the following data will be collected and processed in the context of the application process:

Your career stage,
- your name,
- your e-mail address,
- your phone number,
- your address,
- when you can be contacted,
- your application documents (letter of application, CV, testimonials, diplomas etc),
- links to your online profiles at XING and LinkedIn, if applicable
- your possible start date,
- your salary expectations
- and any other remarks you may have about the application process, if applicable.

The data entered online shall be collected and processed solely for the purpose of filling job vacancies at Canyon Bicycles GmbH. Only the departments and officers responsible in-house for the application process shall obtain access to your data. More extensive usage or the passing on of your application data to third parties shall not take place.

B. Legal basis
The legal basis for the processing of your personal data in the context of a job application is provided by Article 6, paragraph 1, (a) GDPR.

C. Storage duration
Your application data shall always be erased automatically six months after conclusion of the application process. This does not apply if legislative provisions countermand such erasure or if ongoing storage is required for evidence purposes. This can also apply for example if we are not currently able to offer a suitable vacancy, but find your profile of potential interest for possible future job openings. In particular when you apply on your own initiative, we can store and use your data in this way if you have specifically consented to this. This consent can be revoked at any time via the contact form in the careers section.
From a technical and organisational viewpoint, we have taken various precautions to protect your data. Any onward transmission of your online application is in encrypted format. Your data are saved to a database that is separate from all other systems, to which only the people responsible for this on the HR team have access.

7. Shipment tracking

A. Type and scope of the data processing
Orders can be tracked via our website. We require the following details from you for database enquiries:

E-mail address
- Order number

No data are sent to third parties during shipment tracking.

B. Legal basis
The previously (cf. section 4 6. a.) described data processing for the purpose of tracking your order takes place according to Art. 6 section 1 (b) DSGVO.

C. Storage duration
With complete settlement of the agreement and complete purchase price payment, your data are stored for further use and erased after expiry of the legal tax and commercial law retention periods, if you have not expressly agreed to the further use of your data. Further storage can take place in individual cases, if this is legally stipulated.

§ 5 Transfer of data to third parties

We transfer your personal data to third parties only if:

You have granted your express consent for this in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, sentence 1, (a) GDPR,
- this is legally permissible and required for fulfilling a contractual relationship with you in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, sentence 1, (b) GDPR,
- if there is a legal obligation for the transfer in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, sentence 1, (c) GDPR,
- the transfer is required in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, sentence 1, (f) GDPR for supporting justified company interests as well as for enforcing, exercising, or defending legal claims and there is no basis for the assumption that you have an overwhelming interest in non-transfer of your data that is worthy of protection.

§ 6 Transferring data to external service providers

In order to provide services and process your data on our services and products, we utilise service providers. The service providers process the data exclusively according to our instructions and are obliged to comply with valid data protection provisions. All data processers were carefully selected and can only access your data for the circumstances and for the time period required to provide you with the services and/or in the circumstances whereby you have consented to data processing and use. Service providers from countries including the USA or countries outside the European Economic Area subject to data protection which does not protect general personal data to the same extent as in European Union member states. If your data is processed in a country which does not have a recognised level of data protection as high as the European Union, we ensure that your personal details are protected using other contractual regulations or recognised instruments.

§ 7 Use of cookies

A. Type and scope of the data processing
We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small files, which are sent by us to the browser of your terminal and stored there within the framework of your visit to our website. Some functions of our website cannot be offered without the use of technically necessary cookies. Other cookies allow us to perform different analyses. For example, cookies are capable of re-recognising the browser used by you in case of another visit to our website and to transmit different information to us. By means of cookies we can, among other things, configure our internet offering for you in a more user-friendly and effective way, for example, by understanding your use of our website and determining your preferred settings (for example, country and language settings). Insofar as third parties process information via cookies, they acquire the information directly via your browser. Cookies cause no damage to your terminal. They cannot execute any programs and contain no viruses.
Transient cookies, which are automatically erased as soon as you close your browser, are used on our website. This kind of cookies makes it possible to determine your session ID. In this way, different requests from your browser can be associated with a common session and it is possible for us to re-recognise your terminal at the time of later website visits. Session cookies are deleted when you log off or close your browser.
In addition, persistent cookies are used on our website. Persistent cookies are cookies that are stored in your browser for a longer period of time and transmit information to us. The respective storage duration differs from cookie to cookie. You can erase persistent cookies independently via your browser settings.

B. Legal basis
Article 6, paragraph 1, (f) GDPR serves as the legal basis for data processing. We have a legitimate interest in presenting you with a website which saves your personal settings and facilitates your visit.

C. Configuration of the browser settings
Most browsers are preadjusted so that they accept cookies as a standard procedure. However, you can configure your respective browser so that it only accepts certain cookies or even no longer accepts cookies. However, we inform you that you possibly can no longer use all functions of our website if cookies are deactivated by your browser settings on our website. You can also erase cookies already stored in your browser via your browser settings. Furthermore, it is also possible to adjust your browser so that it informs you before cookies are stored. Since the different browsers can differ in their respective modes of functioning, please take advantage of the respective help menu of your browser for the configuration possibilities. If you wish to have a comprehensive overview of all access by third parties to your internet browser, we recommend that you install plug-ins specially developed for this.

§ 8 Tracking and analysis tools

We use tracking and analysis tools in order to assure continuous optimisation and demand-oriented configuration of our website. By means of tracking measures it is also possible for us to statistically record the use of our website by visitors and to further develop our online offering for you by means of the knowledge obtained in this way. On the basis of these interests, the use of the tracking and analysis tools described below is authorised according to Article 6, paragraph 1, page 1, (f) GDPR. The respective processing purposes and the processed data can also be found in the following description of the tracking and analysis tools.

1. Google Analytics 360

This site uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Ireland Limited, Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland (‘Google’). Google Analytics uses so-called ‘cookies’, text files, which are stored on their computer, and which enable an analysis of your use of the website.
The information generated by these cookies, for example concerning time, place, and frequency of your use of this website, are as a rule transmitted to a server of Google in the USA and stored there. In using Google Analytics, it is not excluded that the cookies set by Google Analytics can also record additional personal data in addition to the IP address. We point out to you that Google possibly will transmit this information to third parties, if this is legally stipulated or insofar as third parties process these data on behalf of Google.
The information generated by cookies is used by Google on behalf of the operator of this website in order to evaluate your use of the website, in order to compile reports concerning the website activities, and to furnish the website operator with further data services connected with the website use and the internet use. The IP address transmitted from your browser within the framework of Google Analytics is not transmitted by Google, according to Google’s own information, along with the other data from Google.
You can generally block storage of cookies by a corresponding setting of your browser software; however, we inform you that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website in their full scope.
It is not excluded that the cookies set by Google Analytics can record additional personal data in addition to the IP address. In order to prevent information concerning your use of the website from being recorded by Google Analytics and transmitted to Google Analytics, you can download and install a plug-in for your browser under the following link: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de. This plug-in prevents information concerning your visit to the website from being transmitted to Google Analytics. Another analysis is not prevented by this plug-in.
We inform you that you cannot use the browser plug-in described above in case of a visit to our website via the browser of a mobile device (smartphone or tablet). In case of using a mobile device, you can prevent the recording of your use data by Google Analytics by clicking on the following link:
By clicking on this link, a so-called opt-out cookie is set in your browser. This prevents information concerning your visit to the website from being transmitted to Google Analytics. Please note that the opt-out cookie is valid only for this browser and only for this domain. If you erase the cookies in this browser, the opt-out cookie also is erased. Furthermore, in order to prevent the recording by Google Analytics, you must click on the link again. The use of the opt-out cookie is also possible as an alternative to the above plug-in in the case of using the browser on your computer.
In order to provide the best possible protection of your personal data, Google Analytics was expanded on this website by the code ‘anonymizeIP’. This code causes the last 8 bits of the IP address to be erased and thus your IP address is recorded anonymised (so-called IP masking). In this way, your IP address is basically shortened and thus anonymised by Google already before the transmission within member states of the European Union or in other contracting countries of the Agreement concerning the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases is the complete IP address transmitted to a server by Google in the USA and shortened there.

We use the ‘Google Ads’ technology and, in this case, especially the conversion tracking. Google Conversion Tracking is an analysis service of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. If you click on a display placed by Google, a cookie for the conversion tracking is stored on your PC. The cookies have a validity of 30 days and are not used for personal identification. If you visit certain pages of our website, and if the cookie has not yet expired, Google and we can detect that you have clicked on a specific display and were passed on to this page. In each case, Google Ads customers obtain another cookie. Thus, it is not possible to track cookies via the websites of Google Ads customers.
The data obtained by means of the conversion cookie serve for creating conversion statistics for Google Ads customers that use the conversion tracking. In this way the customers obtain the number of users that have clicked on their display and thereupon were passed on to a page provided with a conversion tracking tag. Of course, they obtain no information, with which the user can be personally identified. If you do not want to participate in the conversion tracking, you can prevent this by a corresponding setting in your browser, e.g. in a form that will always prevent cookies from being installed. You can also deactivate cookies for the conversion tracking by setting your browser so that only cookies from the web address ‘googleadcervices.com’ are blocked.

3. Google Remarketing and ‘Similar Audiences’

We use the ‘Google Remarketing’ technology and ‘Similar Audiences’ function from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google Remarketing and the ‘Similar Audiences’ function places displays for users that have already visited out web pages and online services and have been interested in a specific offer. Within the Google advertising network, it is possible to place targeted and interest-based advertising displays on our page in this way. Google Remarketing and/or ‘Similar Audiences’ use cookies for this analysis. In this way our visitors can be recognised again as soon as they call up web pages within the Google advertising network. Within the Google advertising network, it is possible to place targeted and interest-based advertising displays that are based on the web pages of the Google advertising network (which also use Google’s remarketing function) previously visited by the visitor.
If you do not want to have targeted, interest-based advertising displayed, you can deactivate the use of cookies by Google for these purposes via the link: https://www.google.com/settings/ads.

We use Hotjar to gain a better understanding of our users’ needs and optimise our site. Hotjar technology provides us with a better understanding of our users’ experiences (e.g. how long users stay on our website, which links they click, what they like and what they don’t like etc.) and this helps us adapt our offer to user feedback. Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect information on user behaviour and their devices (IP address of their device in particular , screen size, device type , information on browser used, location , to display the preferred language on our site). Hotjar saves this information in a pseudonymised user profile. Neither Hotjar nor we use the information to identify individual users or add it to other data on individual users. More information can be found in Hotjar’s data protection statement .

5. Facebook Custom Audiences

Our online presence includes the use of the ‘Facebook Pixel’ from Facebook Inc. 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (‘Facebook’). This way, user behaviour can be tracked after they have visited or clicked on a Facebook advert. This process is used to evaluate the effectiveness of Facebook adverts for statistical and market research purposes and can therefore help optimise advertising campaigns.
The acquired data remain anonymous for us and therefore make revealing user identity impossible. However, Facebook data are saved and processed so that a connection can be made to the relevant user profile and Facebook can use the data for their own advertising purposes, in accordance with Facebook data usage guidelines. You can override adverts on Facebook and its partners in an outside Facebook. A cookie can be stored on the computer for this purpose. In order to object to all cookies on your computer, you can set up your web browser to prevent any cookies from being stored on your computer in the future and to delete any previously stored cookies. However, refusing all cookies can prevent certain functions on our website from working.
We have a legitimate interest in the aforementioned data processing and its use. Article 6, paragraph 1, (f) GDPR serves as the legal basis for data processing.
The Facebook data protection instructions contain further information on protecting your privacy: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/.
You can also disable the ‘Custom Audiences’ remarketing function in advertisement settings at https://www.facebook.com/ads/preferences/?entry_product=ad_settings_screen. This requires logging on to Facebook.
If you do not have a Facebook account, you can disable usage-based advertising from Facebook on the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance website: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/de/praferenzmanagement/.

§ 9 Buttons und Plug-Ins

1. Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram, Xing, LinkedIn, Kununu and Watchado

Our website features buttons from social networks. These buttons can be identified by the logo on this website. When visiting our website the buttons provide a direct link between your browser and the provider’s server. This way, the social network receives the information that you have visited this website with your IP address. We point out that we, as the supplier of the pages, obtain no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data as well as the use thereof by the social network. As long as you remain logged in with your network user account during your visits to this type of website, this network can assign the visit to this account. Details on data collection (purpose, scope, further processing, use) and your rights and preference options can be found in the social network’s data protection instructions.

A) Facebook Inc., 1601 S California Ave, Palo Alto, California 94304, USA

2. Хотя Италия и Ватикан - это две совершенно независимые и очень разные по структуре и площади страны, но именно в Риме чувствуются как они жили столетиями вростая друг в друга и это отчасти сильно заметно во многих местах Рима, где висят Гербы Римских Пап - их можно встретить везде - на памятниках, зданиях, конечно же церквях, фонтанах.
На первом снимки - герб Папы Урбана VIII (1623—1644) - "три пчелы" на фонтане "Тритон" (работа Бернини)
и на втором герб Папы Павла III (1534—1549) на крепостной стене Ватикана.

3. В реальности Папские гербы стали неотъемлемой частью архитектуры Рима, придавая ей свою неповторимость. Это и многовековая традиция самой церкви - каждый глава Римско-католической церкви имеет свой собственный личный герб, который служит символом его понтификата. Гербы всех римских пап содержали изображение Папской тиары сверху, золотой и серебряный ключи, позади щита, затем идет большой щит - изображение которого каждый папа выбирает индивидуально для себя.

Здесь разу два герба - герб Святого Престола и второй - герб "Sede Vacante" - используемый в период междуцарствия, когда нет правящего Папы.
Для меня было абсолютна ново именно "Sede Vacante"(лат.при вакантном престоле)— период, в который Святой Престол не занят понтификом (то есть в период между смертью Папы Римского и избранием нового главы Римско-католической церкви). Фаза «вакантного Престола» начинается, когда кардинал-камерарий констатирует смерть Папы и папский престол вступает в период Sede Vacante. В период Sede Vacante все чиновники Римской курии лишаются своих постов, за исключением трёх человек: камерарий Римско-католической церкви, декана Коллегии кардиналов и великого пенитенциария. Но неофициальным главой является в этот период камерарий —одна из высших придворных должностей при Святом Престоле.

4. На гербе Папы Григория XIII изображен дракон (1572—1585) фото сделал на старом мосту через Тибр.

5. Г ерб Папы Иннокентия X (1644—1655) на потолке в Капитолийском музее.

6. Герб Папы Климента XI (1700—1721) на фонтане площади Bocca della Verita.

7. Герб Папы Климента X (1670—1676) на фасаде собора Санта Мария Маджоре.

8. Герб Папы Иннокентия X (1644—1655) на творении Бернини - фонтане "четыре реки".

9. Герб Папы Климента XI (1700—1721) во дворе Еловой Шишки.

10. Герб Папы Пия XI (1922—1939)на воротах Музея Ватикана.

11. Герб Папы Пия XI (1922—1939) на одном из зданий Ватикана.

12. Герб Папы Урбана VIII (3 пчелы) (1623—1644)и папы Григория XIII (1572—1585) с драконом.

13. До моей поездки в Рим, лишь когда то и задним фоном слышал, что был такой Римский Папа Урбан VIII .

14. Его правление тесно связано с Гением Барокко - Бернини который успешно творил при понтификате четырех пап. Сейчас не хочу говорить о личности Папы, а лишь как переплилось все в Вечном Городе - Политика, Вера, Искусство, История, Красота. Эта скульптура Папы Урбана находится в Капитолийском музее, большая глыба мрамора - но какие складки и края сутаны, как развивается накидка - одним словом - БЕРНИНИ.

15. Бернини был не только скульптором, но и архитектором, и он спроектировал один из дворцов для семьи Барберини (род Папы Урбана) в центре Рима.

16. Фасад которого он украсил множеством пчел - символа Семейства Барберини - которых вновь избранный Папа перенял на свой герб.

Годы жизни: 5 апреля 1568 - 29 июля 1644
Понтификат: 6 августа 1623 - 29 июля 1644

Маффео Барберини родился во Флоренции в дворянской семье. Он получил степень доктора права и поступил на службу в курию. Выполнял функции апостольского нунция в Париже. Получил титул архиепископа Назарета, а позднее - кардинальскую шапку и епископскую кафедру в Сполето.

Маффео Барберини

Кардинал Маффео был избран Папой практически единогласно: за него проголосовало 50 кардиналов из 55. Он взял себе имя Урбан VIII.

Все - во имя семьи

Перед посвящением папа молил Бога о том, чтобы тот послал ему скорую смерть, если его понтификат пойдет не на благо церкви. Очевидно, пользу для церкви новоизбранный Понтифик понимал по-своему, поскольку после вступления на трон св. Петра стал настолько активно покровительствовать своим родственникам, что буквально ошеломил всех.

Палаццо Барберини

Семья Барберини была задарена кардинальскими титулами и наиболее доходными должностями в папском государстве. Казалось, что вернулись времена понтификов Возрождения. Чтобы доставить своим племянникам владение княжеством Кастро, Урбан VIII ввязался в войну с Венецией, Флоренцией, Пармой и Моденой.

Урбану VIII удалось немного расширить территорию Папского государства за счет герцогства Урбино. "Благодаря" племянникам папа оказался втянут в войну с герцогом Фарнезе. После того, как ни экономическая блокада, ни отлучение от церкви не возымели действия, Урбан перешел к силовым методам, но и на поле брани тоже не преуспел. Мир, который был заключен, сохранил status quo: наказание с герцога было снято, а все земли, занятые папскими войсками, были освобождены.

Герб Урбана VIII

Для защиты своих владений Урбан построил в Кастельфранко мощный, но неудачно расположенный форт Урбано, построил оружейный завод в Тиволи, превратил Чивиттавеккью в военный порт. Урбан также построил летнюю резиденцию Кастель-Гандольфо, используемую понтификами по сей день.

Церковная деятельность Урбана VIII

Подобно своему предшественнику Урбан живо интересовался миссионерской деятельностью, расширил сферу влияния Конгрегации Пропаганды и основал Коллегию Урбана для обучения проповедников из других стран. Он отнял у иезуитов исключительно право проповедовать христианство в Японии.

Урбан VIII на гобеленах

Папа также предпринял попытку защитить права католиков в Англии, но она успехом не увенчалась. Посланный туда священник Ричард Смит был вынужден спасаться бегством после принятия суровых мер против католиков.

Книга Коперника и процесс Галилея
(подробнее о процессе Галилея читайте .)

При Урбане VIII и в значительной степени по его указанию состоялся инквизиционный процесс, завершившийся осуждением Галилея (1633), хотя в то же время папа осудил массовую ведьмовскую истерию в германских церковных княжествах.

Когда Урбан VIII взошел на престол Святого Петра, Галилей подготовил и с разрешения цензуры издал книгу «Диалог о двух главнейших системах мира - птолемеевой и коперниковой». В книге подробно излагаются обе точки зрения. То, что автор является сторонником Коперника, можно при желании подчеркнуть, но можно и не обращать на это специальное внимание. После выхода книги Галилей получил предписание явиться в Рим для расследования его дела в Святой инквизиции.

Галилей на процессе инквизиции

Католическая церковь неоднократно прямо высказывала свое положительное отношение к гелиоцентрической системе. Галилей любил цитировать кардинала Барония, говорившего, что Библия учит тому, как взойти на небо, а не тому, как устроено небо. А Папа Урбан VIII - друг Галилея, один из самых просвещенных людей своего времени, говорил, что у католической церкви много догматов, но догмата о том, что Земля находится в центре Вселенной - нет.

Расточительный Папа

Самый продолжительный в ХVII веке, понтификат Урбана VIII пришёлся на период Тридцатилетней войны, которая снова обескровила Европейский континент. Влияние папской дипломатии на ход событий было минимальным. Мало кто тогда всерьез считался со светской властью римского епископа. Его моральный авторитет тоже был предметом всеобщей критики.

Захоронение Урбана VIII

Тем не менее, в 1625 году вновь объявленный Юбилейный год призван был свидетельствовать о папском могуществе. Во время процессий, двигавшихся от собора к собору во главе с церковными сановниками, в толпу бросались золотые монеты, а по вечерам били фонтаны, освещённые искусственными огнями.

И Томаззо Кампанеллу .

1. Биография

1.1. Происхождение

Маффео Барберини родился 5 апреля года в Флоренции в аристократической семьи. Получил юридическое образование в Риме в иезуитов . году защитил диссертацию по праву в Пизе .

1.2. Клерикальная карьера

1.3. Урбан VIII и кардинал Ришелье

Испания в конце 16 века обеднела и заболела как политическое государство. Папы римские, пристально отслеживали эти процессы, переставали учитывать обескровленную монархию в Испании как своего главного политического партнера.

Приверженность папы получила Франция. Король Франции издало Нантский эдикт, что позволило уравнять в правах протестантов и католиков и на десятилетия прекратить религиозные войны в королевстве. Выросла и финансовое могущество Франции. Теперь папский двор выбрал "старшей сестрой" католицизма Францию ​​вместо Испании. Хотя симпатии папы были на стороне Франции, он открыто противостоял альянс (союза) Франции со Швецией в 1631 году. Политический альянс со Швецией был опасен для папы из-за чрезвычайной военную мощь тогдашней Швеции. Однако он не применяет никаких санкций против кардинала Ришелье . Он также прислушивался к советам папского дипломата и шпиона в Париже Оттавио Корсини, что советовал не противодействовать мощному Ришелье (фактическом обладателю Франции при слабом короли), а идти назад на уступки.

1.4. Урбан VIII и Тридцатилетняя война

1.7. Дворец Барберини

Рим, палаццо Барберини, построенный для родственников папы римского, гравюра

Итальянский дворец как тип успел пройти путь от крепостной закрытости к роскошной дома богатого и образованных обладателя. Если дворцы предшествующих эпох поражали крепостными фасадами (палаццо Питти), отделением от среды и некоторой отсутствием специализации помещений (палаццо Канчеллерия), то дворец Барберини начал новые принципы. Он имел более приветливый фасад, а помещения получили специализации в связи с представительными и жилыми функциями.

Особой страницей в биографиях многих художников Рима было создание дворца Барберини . Для его создания пригласили сразу несколько архитекторов (Бернини , Карло Мадерно , Борромини). Руководство поручили любителю Бернини, подавал идею, личную программу застройки, а выполнение сложных инженерных задач сбросили на виртуоза-строительного Борромини и его команду. Представительскую роль сильно подчеркнул и плафон в Большом зале, создать который поручили Кортона. Создан плафон стал манифестом развитого барокко Рима, его визитной карточкой, образцом и высоким достижением.
